Supporting and Inspiring Your Partner In a Healthy Lifestyle

Spring is here and to a lot of people (me included) it brings the motivation to look into a healthier lifestyle choices. If your loved one is strugling to maintain a healthy lifestyle, this article by Rebecca Shinn is just for you.


If you want your relationship to be healthy, both partners need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are some useful tips that can help you encourage your partner to do the same. Get started with your reading now!

Whether the person is your partner, friend, or family member, you would want them to live healthy, long, and full life. When that person tells you that they are ready to make some positive changes and live a healthy lifestyle, you will be more than eager to help them. However, you may end up bombarding them with your advice (well-intentioned, of course).

Telling your partner what they need to do may not be the most effective route to take; in fact, getting your partner to adopt healthy habits can be quite challenging. However, you can stand as an encouraging and loving force as your partner navigates through these changes themselves. It would help if you never underestimated the power and importance of support so that your partner can start living a healthy lifestyle.

It has been studied that people with stronger support systems often end up sticking to their new healthy habits like reading dating sites review articles. Nagging will only make things end badly. Whether making them love nutritious and healthy foods or getting them to exercise, you need to know how to support and inspire your partner to live healthily.

We’ve put together a list with comprehensive ideas that can help you in this direction.

Find Their Unhealthy Habits

Many habits are considered unhealthy, like not working out, eating junk food, not sleeping on time, etc. If you feel your partner shows some signs of such habits, you need to let them know. Alternatively, it would help if you also tried to find why your partner is doing such things; this is the first step on how to live a healthy lifestyle.

For example, some reasons why your partner may sleep late include working too hard or not getting enough self-time. It leads to exhaustion and will further discourage your partner from exercising. Additionally, your partner may also turn to junk food for comfort.

From the above, we see that one bad habit leads to another. In this case, you must start talking to your partner and understand the reason why they are indulging in unhealthy habits.

Become A Good Role Model

If you want your partner to develop healthy habits, you need to become a good role model. It means that you have to stay active and healthy and start making healthy dietary choices. This way, your partner will likely listen to you and take encouragement if you are successful in implementing these changes yourself.

Working out with your partner will motivate them to make good choices and even support others to do the same. You can also take the initiative to look for healthy lifestyle tips and implement them in your life.

We all bear responsibility for our lives. Taking charge of our destiny, handling our choices carefully and installing discipline in our daily lives will create momentum not only for us, but for all the people who see us succeed.

Remember, you don’t need to become a role model for someone else. Become your own role model to influence others as well.

Try To Make These Changes Into A Fun Experience

The best way to motivate your partner to develop healthy lifestyle changes is to make the experience fun. It will keep them on the right track and encourage them to make healthier choices.

One of the best ways to do this is to take a class together. You need to figure out what appeals to your partner and then work together towards your fitness goals as a couple. Doing these activities together has shown to improve relationships as well. It enhances bonding and brings you closer to your partner, all while improving your physical health as well.

Keep Reminding Them of The Benefits of A Healthy Lifestyle

If you and your partner are healthy, your relationship will be healthy. You must let your partner know the benefits of getting some exercise daily, drinking enough water, eating right, and making healthier decisions. Several healthy lifestyle apps will show you the benefits of healthy lifestyle habits.

Of course, your partner may already know how living healthy will benefit their physical form. A simple 30-minute exercise regime will improve the cardiovascular system, increase mental alertness, libido, reduces cholesterol, and increase energy and stamina.

However, do they know the benefits to their mental benefits of a healthy lifestyle? According to research, it has been found that aerobic exercises like dancing or walking have proven to reduce depression and anxiety. There are many studies that describe the benefits of various sports and types of activities. A healthy lifestyle must include exercise.

Take Charge of The Nutrition

If you are in charge of the kitchen, then you can use this opportunity to start implementing healthy food habits into your partner. You must start slowly. Begin by introducing healthy dinner meals 2-3 times a week. Additionally, you can also set up timetables. For instance, many couples follow 'Meatless Monday,' where couples consume vegetarian dishes for the entire day.

Overall, it is all about balance. The meals need to provide enough nutrition to the body so that your partner does not feel restricted and successful with their health goals.

However, make sure your communicate constantly. Ask your partner for feedback and be prepared to compromise sometimes. Change is hard and you need to remember that long-term habits need long-term efforts. Be patient.

Respect Your Partner

Mutual respect between partners is not only reserved for child-rearing and finances. It also applies to exercise choices and the diet preferred by your partner. If your partner feels that you are condescending to them or being picked on, they will not sustain healthy habits.

Always ask why your partner is unable to do specific exercises, rather than force it on them. You will be surprised by the underlying causes you can easily tackle together, like feeling overwhelmed, stress at work, etc. Make them understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle, not force it.

However, make sure your communicate constantly. Ask your partner for feedback and be prepared to compromise sometimes. Change is hard and you need to remember that long-term habits need long-term efforts. Be patient.

Always Look At The Positive Side

Yes, it is difficult to watch your partner get sick or become unable to do certain things due to bad lifestyles. It is essential to focus on the positive changes that you support.

For instance, your partner may still make some unhealthy choices. Instead of getting angry about this, look for the small seeds of changes you have planted on your partner. Of course, people can't adapt to new lifestyle habits overnight. They will still stumble a few times on the way to the goal.

However, make sure your communicate constantly. Ask your partner for feedback and be prepared to compromise sometimes. Change is hard and you need to remember that long-term habits need long-term efforts. Be patient.

Final Thoughts

If a couple has developed healthy habits, they will have a healthy relationship. Of course, there may be specific challenges to make your partner follow healthy lifestyles, especially when it comes to working out and/or diet. With the help of the healthy lifestyle motivation tips mentioned above, you will get through your partner and live a healthy life together.

Always remember that change doesn’t take place overnight, and “supporting” is not the same thing as “forcing”. Even if you understand the power of discipline and know the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, your partner might need time to see things from your angle. Make sure your discuss this together.

What do you think of all this? Let us know in the comments!

Authors bio:

Rebecca Shinn is a freelance writer for best hookup sites review and relationship expert with a psychology degree. Her field of expertise is relationship, dating, and marriage. The important part of Rebecca’s practice is to help couples with communication skills, problem-solving skills, stress management, or financial skills. 

Rebecca started writing 2 years ago to inspire and help people to have a better dating life, healthy relationships, or find a way to keep a marriage strong for long years.

With all said above, Rebecca is proud to be a mother and a wife so she doesn't only use her knowledge for helping others but keeping her family strong and happy.


Photos used in the article made by Andrea Piacquadio and  Jack Sparrow from Pexels

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